Sending emails to contacts

How to send emails to contacts in your CRM


One of the most common tasks you’ll perform in your CRM is sending emails to contacts. There are a number of different ways to initiate the process, depending on where you are in the CRM.

Let’s take a look at the most common ones here.

How to send emails to contacts

Sending an email from “People” list view.

You can send an email from the “People” list view by following these steps:

  1. Go to -> Contacts -> People
  2. Select the checkbox next to one or more contacts in the list
  3. Click the -> Send Mail button on the top left side of the list view
  4. In the popup window click -> select
  5. The email editor window will open
  6. Enter the usual details such as subject and then type out your email.
  7. Click send when completed.

*SIDE NOTE* you can also use a email template by clicking the “Select email Template” button in the email editor popup window.

Sending an email from “People” detail view.

You can send an email from the “People” list view by following these steps:

  1. Go to -> Contacts -> People
  2. Click a contact name to open the detail view
  3. Click the -> Send Mail button which can be found in the “Action” Box on the right side of the detail view
  4. In the popup window click -> select
  5. The email editor window will open
  6. Enter the usual details such as subject and then type out your email.
  7. Click send when completed.

*SIDE NOTE* you can also use a email template by clicking the “Select email Template” button in the email editor popup window.

The same process can be applied to Leads, Companies and Vendors.